11 March 2019

Coming together to build with Timber

While sawmill 4.0 and digital in general are finding their way into production lines, the Web is empowering stakeholders by offering timber knowledge and expertise to help drive progress in the sector. We focus on these new Web platforms that the market is taking a liking to.

FACADEBOIS.COM is a start-up with a dual purpose: to centralize information and product data and to facilitate liaison between stakeholders

Although today’s market is showing every sign of development, many questions remain unanswered among its stakeholders—design and implementation of external coverings and building envelopes, thermal and acoustic performance of external walls, safety & fire prevention issues, and more.

Based on this observation, Façadebois.com has compiled information and knowledge on products from the whole of its user base, among whom are contracting authorities, architects, drawing offices, businesses, industrial manufacturers, and others. These constitute a tremendous product database when it comes to the essential components of timber walling systems. A collaborative approach offering invaluable aid in timber wall design.


WOODRISE ONLINE aims to become the benchmark international platform for timber construction in medium and large heights

This platform, set up by the FCBA institute of technology in partnership with DIRECCTE Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Xylofutur, is also designed along collaborative lines.

Stakeholders can find information as well as discussing a wide variety of topics. It’s a place where people speak about timber and innovation as well as comfort and the quality of life, the common denominator being the sustainable town.


News, publications, videos, projects—this site is aimed at all professionals involved in construction who see timber as an essential material in tomorrow’s cities.



ENFIN CHEZ NOUS.DIRECT is a start-up aiming to reinvent the house marketing and construction process.

The primary project of this digital platform:

To digitize the construction chain, notably by digital modelling and BIM.

In relation to end customers, this formula mainly targets people entering or re-entering the buying market. On the professional side, it sets itself up as a “business broker” for house builders constructing 40–100 dwellings a year and for timber framework manufacturers.

Although a demo version is already on line, the platform’s business launch depends on the fund raising currently in progress. A full operational version of the platform should be appearing online in the next few months.


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